PRE-SALE (Available from mid-May 2024) - In Sta op! Johan de Vos writes about his practical faith experiences. You are taken into stories in which the Holy Spirit spoke to step out. Each story contains a short reflection, which helps you think about what this means for you personally.
Whether you have just started believing in Jesus or have been a believer for some time, this book relates the writer's practical faith experiences. You are taken into stories in which the Holy Spirit spoke to step out. This has resulted in surprising situations: from work to church, from prayer to evangelism, from disappointment to trust. The stories are connected to themes that you also encounter in your daily life. The book is easy to read and provides recognizable practical examples. Each story contains a short reflection, which helps you think about what this means for you personally. Do you desire to work in trust with God in new activities or tasks? Then this book can help you on your way. Highly recommended if you want to take a concrete step of faith. Stand up!
About Johan de Vos
Johan was born in 1967. And is a self-employed entrepreneur as an ICT project manager and theologian. In addition to his work, he is involved in evangelism at home and abroad and (setting up) prayer groups. He is, among other things, a coordinator of the National Prayer, which focuses on praying for the government in ministries. He likes to tell people about Jesus as a speaker in congregations or on the street. Characteristic of Johan is that he likes to connect people, organizations and groups to build the Kingdom of God.
PRE-SALE (Available from mid-May 2024) - 'The Devotion of a Bride' is a personal testimony by Els Joustra with a biblical explanation, practical tools and poems.
PRE-SALE (Available from mid-May 2024) - In this book you can read about four powerful biblical women together with personal experiences of Dorien Keurentjes. Their life stories make it clear that four topics are indispensable: intimacy, vulnerability, liberation and perseverance.
In this new English picture book of Stefan Lakhichand, we see the main character Sammy desiring to be a superhero. In this first edition of Sammy the Superhero he experiences that 'Kindness' makes him a true superhero to the people he meets. This book is perfect for educating children the importance of being kind to others. And how it can make others feel great!
Title: Sammy de Superheld is Vriendelijk
Language: Dutch
Author: Stefan Lakhichand
Illustrator: Amurtha Godage
The Rare Anointing by Jehonathan Abrahams shows the rare anointing the true sons and daughters of God have on their lives to transform the earth!
The Rare Anointing by Jehonathan Abrahams shows the rare anointing the true sons and daughters of God have on their lives to transform the earth!
De Bloeiplaats is a beautiful piece of Christian poetic prose that fans of this genre will enjoy. Be inspired by Marilieke's story and you may also discover your own Blooming Place.
'Evangeliseren is niet mijn ding' is a useful tool when you have difficulty sharing the Good News. In this book Jelle gives great tips and assignments so that Evangelism can eventually also become your thing!
Giving Birth to your Promise by Stefan Lakhichand. A book that shows you that you too carry a great promise inside of you!
'What about the Church' by Suhaina Benilia - Sophia is a beautiful English book that provides more information about the importance of the church for believers. Suhaina included her own story and experiences as well. Are you interested in learning more about the church? Then this book will be a perfect purchase!
'Zicht op Jezus' is a Dutch book that brings Jesus to life. It can make your prayer life deeper, richer and more exciting. Prepare yourself for beautiful prophetic images and get to know Jesus in a deepening way.
In this new English picture book of Stefan Lakhichand, we see the main character Sammy desiring to be a superhero. In this first edition of Sammy the Superhero he experiences that 'Kindness' makes him a true superhero to the people he meets. This book is perfect for educating children the importance of being kind to others. And how it can make others feel great!
Title: Sammy the Superhero is 'Kind'
Language: English
Author: Stefan Lakhichand
Illustrator: Amurtha Godage
In this new English picture book of Stefan Lakhichand, we see the main character Sammy desiring to be a superhero. In this first edition of Sammy the Superhero he experiences that 'Kindness' makes him a true superhero to the people he meets. This book is perfect for educating children the importance of being kind to others. And how it can make others feel great!
Title: Sammy the Superhero is 'Kind'
Language: English
Author: Stefan Lakhichand
Illustrator: Amurtha Godage
God does Wonders is an amazing Prayer Devotional that helps us to intercede for many different groups and people. Roland Bahozi included some great testimonies to encourage us that even today God does mighty Wonders through his children!
Kijk haar nu! - Book Debut of Ursula Keerveld!
When 4 year old Paulien is playing in the sand box, she accidentally drops a bucket full of sand on her head. With attention and love however, the hair is cleaned and mommy make her a new hairstyle. Other children are amazed by the beauty of the different hairstyles. Braids, high puff and corkscrew curls.
By creating this picture book the author creates more awareness on how amazing and versatile black (natural) hair actually is, instead of only looking at it as difficult to handle. This picture book is a must have for all parents raising children with black hair.
Order today!
Giving Birth to your Promise by Stefan Lakhichand. A book that shows you that you too carry a great promise inside of you!
'40 dagen met Jezus', the Dutch book debut of Johan den Hartogh and is for every believer who desires to know Jesus Christ better. 40 characteristics of our Lord from the first three chapters of the book of Revelation!
First edition sold out! Now released the second press of the book with an extra chapter on Fasting!
Get your copy today.